What I Know
I sat for a while & thought about what this sites blog should look like. When I say sat, I mean I tried to pretend that this was something I did not need & could do without. Turn out, In this day and age of technology, online shopping & who has the most likes, you do not exist without some kind of decent size presence. Honestly I never even thought or saw myself involved with a blog in anyway. I’m a hands on, mean what I say, no bullshit type of person & to me the internet was filled with it. I guess the joke is on me because here I am! I am not a vintage historian of excellence or master of a certain field, but I have always been full of information. I am the type of person who is not satisfied with just the word of one persons mouth. I need to know the how, the why, the who & the round about timeline. I might be slightly obsessed history & research. Quit frankly if I am awake for 18 hrs, 15 of them I am doing research. I love it! I have no reasoning for it, I just know I am completely happy while doing it, so I keep doing it. I am relatively new to the vintage jewelry side of vintage & while doing researching last night the idea came to me. Instead of hording all of this information inside of my dome, I could post it here and share it with who ever wants or needs it. Again, I am no wizards of knowledge in certain field, so If you have more input or know something I do not….SHARE IT with me. I love to a have debates and share information with others with the same interest & knowledge that I do. HEADS UP, I do not know much about blogs & what magical experience I am supposed to supply at the moment, but I will do the best with WHAT I KNOW!